Así TIÑES tus CANAS con el REPOLLO de Blancas pasaran a Oscuras desde el primer día

Hoy en Recetas Caseras vamos a enseñar como teñir tus CANAS con el REPOLLO de Blancas pasaran a Oscuras desde el …

El método de teñir las canas con repollo ha existido durante siglos y es una opción natural para aquellos que desean cubrir sus canas sin recurrir a tintes químicos. El repollo contiene un pigmento natural que puede ayudar a oscurecer las canas, dándoles un aspecto más similar al color natural del cabello.

Para teñir las canas con repollo, solo necesitas hervir algunas hojas de repollo en agua y luego aplicar el líquido resultante sobre el cabello limpio y húmedo. Después de dejar actuar durante un tiempo, enjuaga bien para eliminar cualquier residuo.

Algunas personas aseguran que sus canas han oscurecido desde el primer día después de aplicar el tinte de repollo, aunque es posible que se necesiten varias aplicaciones para lograr el tono deseado. Además, este método puede no funcionar de la misma manera para todos los tipos de cabello, por lo que es importante probarlo con precaución. Sin embargo, para aquellos que buscan una alternativa natural, teñir las canas con repollo puede ser una opción efectiva y libre de químicos. If you paint your gray hair with white cabbage, it will go dark from the first day Tired of those white hairs that come out non-stop You put dye with chemicals and within a week the gray hairs are coming out again in your house You have the solution using cabbage like this How

Are you going to end those white gray hairs Keep watching this video so you can find out How to do it If you love these natural remedies write I want to cover my gray hairs to continue doing more

Remedies like this just as I told you at the beginning with just one cabbage you will change those white gray hairs to a very nice dark color you may be wondering why cabbage purple cabbage has a powerful coloring property that is ideal for painting hair in a very natural way So I

Want you to stay until the end so you don’t miss this step by step so that those ca are left in attack from the first day that you apply this homemade dye with this vegetable you will obtain an

Intense and penetrating natural dye these are some of the wonders that nature gives us Sometimes we are so close to the solution to some things and we do not take advantage of it once we have

Our cabbage or cabbage we will cut it in this way and we will put it In a pot we will also add 4 cups of water and we will submerge the cabbage that we had cut this we will put it on the stove and

We are going to put it to boil we are going to see how it is going to change color as we want to the pure and dark we are going to let it be consumed until half so that the color or the cabbage let go of all that natural color

That it has Meanwhile tell me what country or city you are looking from to send you a special greeting in the next video the greetings in this video are for Lali Cruz from the Dominican Republic and Vilma Rivera from Guatemala Thank you for always watching and enjoying our recipe

Look how the color of the water is darkening it is a divine color this will give a very nice tone to your hair So do not hesitate to apply it while This is changing color and once the water has been consumed we are going to prepare the hair for this you will

Need a glass of water and we will add a tablespoon of baking soda this mixture will prepare the hair so that our natural dye adheres to the hair you must apply this mixture a few hours before to your hair and then you take it out with a lot of water

We are going to strain now our cabbage or cabbage it is better that it is warm or cold so as not to burn ourselves look at the beautiful color that it gave us if you wish you can add two tablespoons of conditioner

To give it a little more consistency we will also put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar This will make the dye penetrate more into the hair apply it from the roots to the ends and Put a shower cap so that the color enters your hair you will leave for 2 hours and

Rinse with plenty of water you will see that your gray hair will be very beautiful and nuanced you can do this procedure twice a week if it is the first time you see one of our recipe subscribe to our YouTube channel like homemade recipes I’m Natalia see you in a next video


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