¡Esta ensalada es tan saludable y nutritiva que la hago una y otra vez!

Hoy en Recetas Caseras vamos a preparar ¡Esta ensalada es tan saludable y nutritiva que la hago una y otra vez! Disfrutalo en …

Esta ensalada es una opción perfecta para una comida ligera y saludable. Está llena de ingredientes frescos y coloridos que aportan una gran cantidad de nutrientes esenciales para nuestro cuerpo. Con una base de hojas verdes, como la lechuga o la espinaca, se añaden vegetales variados como tomate, pepino, zanahoria y pimiento, que aportan fibra, vitaminas y minerales.

Además, se pueden agregar proteínas como pollo a la parrilla, salmón ahumado o garbanzos, que hacen que esta ensalada sea aún más completa y saciante. Para darle un toque extra de sabor y nutrientes, se pueden incluir frutos secos, aguacate, queso feta o semillas de chía.

Aliñada con un aderezo ligero a base de aceite de oliva, limón y hierbas frescas, esta ensalada es una opción sana y deliciosa para cualquier comida del día. ¡No dudes en probarla y disfrutar de todos sus beneficios para tu salud! This salad is so healthy and nutritious that I make it over and over again at home. For this recipe we are going to need a large cucumber which, with the help of a peeler, I will remove the peel, cut it in half, then remove the seeds, proceed to cut it. In this

Way, this healthy recipe is incredibly delicious and very easy to make. I am sure you will love the result. Once ready, let’s set it aside for a moment. Now, to an onion cut into strips, I will add the juice of a large lemon to give it flavor. and a pinch of

Salt, stir a little and I will let the onion rest for 3 minutes. Now I will cut a large avocado or also known in other countries as palta or avocado. I will cut it into thin strips. Let’s

Prepare the dressing. I will add two tablespoons of oil to a container. of olive also a tablespoon of white vinegar and a pinch of salt a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of oregano

We are going to stir and this is how it should be in a container I will add the cut cucumber also the avocado the cut onion a can of tuna but I have previously removed the oil from this one, I am going to stir and add the dressing,

Stir again and I will add cilantro to taste. Let’s integrate these ingredients before I forget. Tell me from which country or city you are looking at us so I can send you a greeting in The next recipe

Today’s greeting is for Mauren Peña from Mexico and Cristian Chaile from Argentina Thank you for watching our recipes and so our healthy salad is ready we have made a delicious salad that is extremely healthy and with few ingredients I hope you make this recipe at home Tell me

Below If this is the first time you watch one of my recipes, I hope you enjoyed the recipe as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. Thank you very much for watching the video until the end. See you in the next recipe. This salad is very easy

To make and I am I’m sure you, your family, and your friends will love the result.


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