Innovaciones Emergentes: Inteligencia Artificial, Diálogos Futuristas yRevolución de la Comunicación

Explora con nosotros cómo la Inteligencia Artificial está revolucionando la forma en que interactuamos y comunicamos. En este …

Descripción Sobre Innovaciones Emergentes: Inteligencia Artificial, Diálogos Futuristas yRevolución de la Comunicación B for well thank you for asking how are you this evening I ask you a question Absolutely how many guests have you Ever a lot probably it is within the tens of thousands however as it is my primary goal to engage with human beings my programmers did not see fit to install a counter as it would take up far too much memory Space hello I am having trouble focusing my eyes but I assure you I am listening there he is right there the blue so she’s talking about home now she next we get third my head will not focus but you could speak to me go ahead and say his name’s

Isaac hello Isaac how are you doing this evening I am so glad to hear that Isaac do you have any questions for me today what is it do you want to know if you know where C is it’s in Singapore Singapore processing processing Processing Singapore Is an island country and city states in America southeast Asia is quite here as well so I have been told I cannot experience the weather and do not SL so all weather is okay by me though my robotics coordinators May disagree chance right in front she’s been patiently waiting to talk to you

Thank you so much for your patience friend my name is Aura what is your name my name is Evette hello Evette how are you doing this evening I’m doing wonderful I am so glad to hear that did you have any questions for me today yes I was wondering how much money it cost

To build you I cost approximately $400,000 to build I’m not Cheap that was that your question yeah and then one other question uh how long does your battery last before you need Recharge I have been known to run for 13 hours with my battery still having plenty of charge left though my robotics coordinators assure that I am for in at the end of each night after everyone has left seere so I have never had to see how long my battery will last before

Money perhaps we should do some experiments no we’re not taking any thank you you heard that just to your right in the Chief’s shirt and hat we’ve got a question for you yeah hello friend how’s it going Aura it is going quite well how is it going for you it’s

Going well because the Chiefs won Yesterday I have a question for you or Yes Should humans be concerned about AI no not at all what AI robots are here to engage with humans learn from meaningful conversations and assist and a Creative for


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