Pollo con brócoli fácil y delicioso al estilo oriental !!

Hoy en Recetas Caseras vamos a preparar una receta estilo oriental riquisimo con brócoli, zanahoria y pollo fácil de preparar.

El pollo con brócoli al estilo oriental es una receta deliciosa y fácil de preparar que combina la jugosidad del pollo con la frescura y textura crujiente del brócoli. El platillo se sazona con una mezcla de sabores orientales como el jengibre, la salsa de soya, el ajo y el aceite de sésamo, lo que le da un toque especial y exótico.

Para preparar este platillo, se corta el pollo en trozos y se saltean en una sartén con ajo y jengibre. A continuación, se agrega el brócoli cortado en floretes y se cocina hasta que esté tierno pero aún crujiente. Finalmente, se agrega la salsa de soya y el aceite de sésamo, y se cocina todo junto durante unos minutos más.

El resultado es un plato colorido y sabroso, perfecto para acompañar con arroz o fideos. Es una opción perfecta para una cena rápida entre semana o para sorprender a tus invitados con un toque de cocina oriental.

El pollo con brócoli al estilo oriental es una receta versátil y saludable que seguramente se convertirá en uno de tus platos favoritos. ¡No dudes en probarlo y disfrutar de su delicioso sabor! Chicken with broccoli easy and delicious oriental style start this recipe by adding a teaspoon of salt in an hour with boiling water I will add a broccoli already cut into small pieces I will also add a carrot cut into thin strips I will return a little this stop and stop

Cooking for 5 minutes and after it boils five more minutes while they cook here I have 500 grams of chicken breast cut it into thin strips in this way this oriental style chicken is super easy to make and it is delicious I am sure that everyone will

Love the result I will transfer the chicken strips to a bowl and add a pinch of salt a pinch of ground black pepper three cloves of minced garlic and a teaspoon of cornstarch I will also add a teaspoon of soy sauce I will mix all the ingredients and I will not let it

Rest for 10 minutes When the vegetables are ready, turn off the heat and reserve and in a frying pan add a splash of oil and once it is hot, add i will fry the seasoned chicken breasts i will seal it and let it brown for a few minutes on both sides before

I forget tell me what country or city we are afraid of so i can send you a very special greeting today’s greeting goes to elvira mondaca from chile and angela parra de cuba thank you for seeing our

Recipes once ready we will remove it in this same pan I will add half an onion cut into small squares I will add half a green paprika in strips half a red paprika in strips I will cook for 5 minutes and now integrate into our chicken stir a little

And add the vegetables that I cooked before and I’ll jump a little now in a container add a tablespoon of cornstarch and three tablespoons of soy sauce I’m going to stir and let it dilute and now I’ll add 3 tablespoons of water dissolve the cornstarch in these ingredients until there

Are no lumps and then we will add it to the recipe mixture I will mix well to incorporate it you will notice how this recipe becomes a little thick really very easy to make It is perfect for lunch whenever I prepare it, everyone loves it and now we have finished some delicious

Vegetables with oriental-style chicken, tell me if you do not feel like making it at home, I would like you to rate this recipe from 0 to 10 so that I know what you liked liked the results thank you

For watching this recipe until the end I would like to know if the first time it is one of my videos and if so, he does not see his twitter on youtube as homemade recipes and activate the bell so

That you always receive the recipes I am Natalia homemade recipes see you in a next video


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