¡Ponle Sal a la Coca Cola y me lo agradecerás! ¡¡Es increíble!!

Hoy en Recetas Caseras vamos a presentar una receta sencilla de hacer solo Pon Sal a la Coca Cola y me lo agradecerás!

¡Ponle Sal a la Coca Cola y me lo agradecerás! es una frase utilizada popularmente para referirse a la combinación de Coca Cola con una pizca de sal, que según muchos aficionados, mejora el sabor de la bebida.

Aunque puede sonar extraño, la adición de sal a la Coca Cola puede realzar sus sabores y darle un toque diferente y sorprendente. Algunas personas afirman que la sal ayuda a equilibrar el dulzor de la bebida, creando una experiencia única y deliciosa al paladar.

¡No dudes en probarlo por ti mismo y descubrir si esta combinación te sorprende y deleita! ¡Quizás te sumes a la larga lista de fans de la Coca Cola con sal! Just put salt in coke and you’ll see it’s amazing here I just put salt in a coke I’ll add a teaspoon of salt I’ll cover and stir pay attention to this homemade trick because it’s going to be

Very useful at home we’ll carefully open our bottle of coke- cola and we will take it to a container in this bottle there are 350 ML of coca-cola now we are going to add two

More tablespoons of salt and we will mix a little this advice is ideal and I am sure that you have not seen adding the coca-cola with salt I will use this same bottle to add 350 ML of

Neutral liquid detergent should be the same amount that the container had now we will add it in the coca-cola and we will mix a little this advice is very good Do it at home I am sure you will

[Music ] you will love it now I will add 175 ML of water which would be half the bottle we will add to the mixture and stir it will be ready our mixture should remain with this consistency then I will add it

To a container I will put it in this bottle that I am reusing you can use the one you have at home we will cover And now I will show you what this mixture is for now I will show you

Look at the condition of this pan it is dirty and filthy I will add a little of this detergent and also a little to the Sponge this mixture It is really good I will start cleaning and rub a little it will start to foam this is really good before I forget Tell me

Which country or city you do not admire to send you a special greeting today’s greeting is for Carmen Ortiz from Colombia and Lidia benitez from Paraguay Thank you by seeing our recipes see how the grease and dirt go Endo Look at the magic of the mixture you can use this mixture

To clean other aluminum objects and your pots and pans will be as good as new I hope this trick has been useful for you if it is the first time Every time you watch one of our recipes subscribe to our YouTube channel like homemade recipes see you in a next video than


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