Hoy en Recetas Caseras cena nutritiva con filete de pescado, una manera diferente y sabrosa de comer tilapia. REDES …
¡No frías más el pescado! Con esta receta rápida y nutritiva podrás disfrutar de un delicioso plato sin necesidad de freírlo.
Para preparar este plato necesitarás los siguientes ingredientes:
– Filete de pescado (puedes usar cualquier tipo de pescado que prefieras)
– Limón
– Sal
– Pimienta
– Aceite de oliva
– Hierbas aromáticas (opcional)
Primero, lava y seca bien el filete de pescado. Exprime un poco de limón sobre él y sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto. Deja marinar durante unos minutos para que el pescado absorba los sabores.
Luego, en una sartén caliente un poco de aceite de oliva y coloca el filete de pescado. Cocina a fuego medio-alto durante unos minutos por cada lado, hasta que esté bien cocido.
Puedes añadir hierbas aromáticas como el perejil o el cilantro para darle un toque extra de sabor.
¡Y listo! Ahora puedes disfrutar de un delicioso y saludable plato de pescado sin necesidad de freírlo. ¡Buen provecho! Don’t fry the fish any more Do it like this quick and nutritious recipe here I have a kilo of Tilapia we will add the juice of a lemon and let it absorb for 10 minutes if you want you can use another type of fish
On the other hand here I have two cups of oatmeal we are going to season with 3 teaspoons of garlic powder 2 teaspoons of paprika two teaspoons of salt a teaspoon of ground pepper And lastly the zest of a lemon [Music]
We are going to stir this until the ingredients are integrated before it gets on me Forget Tell me from which country or city you look at us to invest a special greeting today’s greeting is for María Domínguez from the Dominican Republic and vianeli toro from Venezuela Thank you for watching
Our videos now we will pass our steaks through this seasoned ground oatmeal this recipe is very nutritious and a new way to eat fish without having to fry them I would like to know if you prefer fried or grilled fish
In a mold I will put a little olive oil I will spread it and here I will put the fish fillets On the other hand in another container I will put a cup of heavy cream and half a cup of mozzarella cheese, stir everything together and once the fish is ready, add a little olive oil and then add the mixture of cheeses that we made, we are going to spread it [Music]
Now we will take it to the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes [Music] and this would be our final result of our baked fish is very tasty prepared at home and Come back here to tell me what you think Thanks for watching the video until the end I hope
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