Esto es lo que hacen los panaderos en secreto y nadie lo sabía

Hoy en Recetas Caseras vamos a presentar una receta sencilla de hacer y que enloquecerán las panaderias después de este …

Los panaderos, al igual que cualquier otro profesional, tienen sus propios secretos y técnicas que utilizan en su trabajo diario. Algunas de estas prácticas pueden incluir la mezcla de ingredientes especiales para darle a sus productos un sabor único, o el uso de ciertas técnicas de amasado y horneado que les permiten obtener una textura y consistencia perfectas en sus productos.

Además, los panaderos también pueden tener sus propias recetas tradicionales o familiares que han pasado de generación en generación, y que guardan celosamente como parte de su herencia culinaria.

Otro aspecto que puede considerarse un secreto de los panaderos es su habilidad para conocer el momento exacto en que la masa está lista para ser horneada, así como la técnica precisa para lograr la cocción perfecta de sus productos.

En resumen, los panaderos son artistas en su oficio, y cada uno de ellos tiene sus propios secretos y técnicas que les permiten crear deliciosos productos horneados que deleitan a sus clientes. If you pour milk on top of old bread, see what will happen I’m going to show you what bakers do using old bread here I have two old loaves I’m going to put them in the blender I’ll

Also add 650 ML of whole milk this secret was confessed to me by a baker let’s also add 3 eggs eggs are a key element in our recipe a small can of condensed milk look what will happen Meanwhile tell me what country or city are you looking at to send you a

Special greeting in the next video today’s greeting is for María Judith Cardona from Colombia and Alicia Carrasco from Chile Thank you for seeing our recipe once the mixture looks like this We are going to

Stop We will let the mixture rest for a few minutes after the time I am going to put a mold on the stove over low heat and let ‘s go to add approximately 5 tablespoons of sugar or half a cup we are going to mix little by little

This is what the baker does in the bakery When nobody sees him when the sugar is melted we are going to soak the entire mold with the caramel we must direct and it must be very careful not to burn yourself

Now in a separate pot we will add 500 ML of water and the juice of a lemon we will put it over medium heat Until the water boils Meanwhile we will add the mix the caramel little by little in the mold It must have been completely cold

We will cover the mold with the help of aluminum foil once the water is boiling we will put the mold inside the pot our mixture will cook in a bain-marie I am sure that They are asking why I added the juice of a lemon, it turns out that the lemon helps

Our mold not to stain and does not take on a dark color, it also makes cleaning easier , we will put a lid on our pot and leave it that way for 50 or 60 minutes on the heat medium low

Once the time has passed we will turn off the stove and let it cool a little for more ease and we will take it to the refrigerator we will leave it in the refrigerator until it cools enough in

In my case I let it cool overnight and once the time has passed we are going to unmold this is wonderful It is a recipe that few know it was the baker who taught me this after learning this recipe I never throw away old bread it seems like a dessert fine restaurant

Look what perfection has come out besides everything it’s delicious if you’ve come this far leave me the following message in the comments I like this recipe with old bread to send you a

Special greeting in the next video the best thing about this recipe is that you can prepare it at home for all your family and friends if it is the first time you see one of our recipes Do not forget to subscribe

On YouTube as homemade recipes I am Natalia homemade recipes see you in a next video


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